Data privacy policy
Responsibility for the processing of personally identifiable information on our website is borne by the Familie Ripper Ges.m.b.H & Co KG. Details about the Familie Ripper Ges.m.b.H & Co KG may be found at the imprint
Data privacy
We take the safeguarding of your personally identifiable information very seriously. We process your personally identifiable information in accordance with statutory privacy provisions as well as this Data Privacy Policy.
In general, use of our website is possible without entering personally identifiable information. Insofar as personally identifiable information is collected (name, postal address or email address), this is done, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis.
Processing Agents, Recipients
We process your personally identifiable data with the assistance of processing agents, who support us through the services they provide (e.g. Web hosts, email newsletter distribution services etc.).
These processing agents are obligated to protect your personally identifiable information closely and may not use this information for any purposes other than to enable our services. Transmission of your personally identifiable data is solely to service providers standard within the industry such as banks (should wire transfers to you be necessary), tax consultants (should you appear in our accounting records), dispatching companies (should products be dispatched to you), etc.
Contact form
After you have submitted the contact form, the personally identifiable information you have entered will be processed by the data privacy officer in order to respond to your request, permission for which you expressed by submitting the aforementioned form.
You are under no legal or contractual obligation to provide us with personally identifiable information. Failure to do so will merely result in your being unable to submit your request and our inability to process this request.
You have the right to revoke your permission at any time by notifying us in writing. Doing so in no way affects the legality of our having processed your personally identifiable information prior to the point at which you revoke your permission.
E-Mail Newsletter
By selecting the checkbox, you agree to the processing of the information you had entered for the purposes of receiving information about offer, news and events by means of an email newsletter from the data privacy officer until such time as your permission is revoked or rescinded.
You are under no legal or contractual obligation to provide us with personally identifiable information. Failure to do so will merely mean you are unable to receive the email newsletter.
You have the right to revoke your permission at any time in writing or simply by clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in the email newsletter itself. Doing so in no way affects the legality of our having processed your personally identifiable information prior to the point at which you revoke your permission.
Similarly, you have the right to revoke permission for the use of your personally identifiable information for direct advertising purposes at any time in the same way. In such an instance, your personally identifiable information will no longer be used for direct advertising purposes.
This website uses cookies.
Cookies make websites more user-friendly and efficient for users. A cookie is a small text file used to store information. When visiting a website, this website may place a cookie on the computer of the website visitor. If the user then visits the same website later, the website may read the data contained in the previously stored cookie, thus determining whether the user has previously visited the website and which areas of the website the user may have been interested in particularly. Further information about cookies may be found at
Changes to Your Cookie Settings
Each user can decide how their web browser handles cookies, what cookies are allowed or blocked etc. by changing the settings of their web browser. Precisely where those settings are found depends on the specific web browser you are using. Detailed information about this can be found by using the help function included within your web browser. If you restrict the use of cookies, under certain circumstances you may no longer be able to take advantage of the full functionality of this website.
Server Log File
This website uses the following personal data in a server log file for the purpose of monitoring the technical function and increasing the reliability of the web server based on the predominant legitimate interests of the person responsible (technical security measures): IP, directory protection user, date, time, pages accessed, protocols , Status code, dataset, referer, user agent, called host name
The IP addresses are anonymized. The anonymized IP addresses are deleted after 60 days. Information about the directory protection user will be anonymized after one day.
Error logs that log pageview errors are deleted after seven days. In addition to the error messages, these include the accessing IP address and, depending on the error, the website accessed.
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”) on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). To this end, we have entered into a contract with Google to process data on our behalf.
When you open our website, software establishes a connection to the Google servers and data is transmitted to Google servers, some of which are in the USA. Furthermore, Google Analytics uses cookies in order to store information about the website user and to analyze their use of the website.
This website uses the function "IP anonymization". This means that, within member states of the European Union as well as other states within the European Economic Area that are parties to the agreement, your IP address will be abbreviated and thus anonymized beforehand. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address first be sent to a Google server in the USA, where it is then abbreviated.
According to Google, Google will use the data it has collected in order to evaluate usage of the website, to compile reports about website activity and to provide additional services related to use of the website as well as the Internet.
Google may also share this information with third parties, insofar as this is required under the law or said third parties process this data at the behest of Google.
Detailed information about how Google handles user data can be found in their own data privacy policy at as well as at
Deactivate Google Analytics
In general, you can prevent Google Analytics from collecting your user data on all websites by clicking on the following link, then downloading and installing the browser plug-in which is available:
Local Analytics Software
Using local analysis software, we process connection data and browser data for the purpose of analyzing the use of our website, correcting errors and further developing the content until you object. The legal basis for processing is the technical necessity of processing analysis data in accordance with § 96 Abs. 3 TKG in order to provide the website service expressly requested by users.
HolidayCheck Widget
Auf unserer Internetseite sind Web-Widgets der HolidayCheck AG Bahnweg 8 CH-8598 Bottighofen Schweiz eingebunden. Als Web-Widgets (widgets -> dt. Dinge) werden kleine Programme bezeichnet, die in die Webseite eingebunden werden und Informationen von anderen Webseiten anzeigen.
Dabei wird der Inhalt, der auf unserer Internetseite dargestellt wird (Bewertungen/ Weiterempfehlungsrate) immer aktuell von den HolidayCheck-Servern abgerufen. Damit dies technisch funktioniert, müssen Daten zwischen den beiden beteiligten Servern ausgetauscht werden. Hierzu gehören Datum und Uhrzeit des Besuchs; die Seite, von der die Abfrage erfolgt; verwendete Internet Protokoll-Adresse (IP-Adresse), Browsertyp und -version, Gerätetyp, Betriebssystem und ähnliche technische Informationen.
Die Rechtsgrundlage ist unser berechtigtes Interesse gem. Art 6 Abs. 1 f) DSGVO. Mit der Bereitstellung dieses Services liefern wir aktuelle und korrekte Inhalte auf unserer Homepage aus. Die verarbeiteten Daten dienen nur der Bereitstellung des Inhalts oder der Übermittlung von Daten, die Sie bereitstellten, wenn Sie direkt auf unserer Webseite eine Bewertung abgeben. Sie werden nicht anderweitig verarbeitet, insbesondere nicht, um ein Nutzungsverhalten zu analysieren.
Die oben genannten Daten werden von uns im Rahmen dieser Verarbeitung nicht gespeichert. Um die Widgets gestalten zu können, verwenden wir Google Fonts. Hierzu wird Ihre IP-Adresse an die Google Server in die USA übertragen. Als Garantie nach Art. 45 DSGVO dient das EU-US Privacy Shield. Die Rechtsgrundlage ist unser berechtigtes Interesse gem. Art 6 Abs. 1 f) DSGVO. Mit der Verwendung der Fonts stellen wir die konsistente Wiedergabe der Widgets sicher. Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung durch die HolidayCheck AG können Sie der Datenschutzerklärung der Seite entnehmen.
Ihre Rechte
You have the right to receive information about personally identifiable data which has been collected about you, as well as to have such information corrected, deleted or the use thereof restricted.
Insofar as the legal foundation for the processing of your personally identifiable data based in your expressed permission or in the contract you have concluded, you also have the right to data transferability.
You have the right to revoke any permission you may have given for the processing of personally identifiable data. However, this in no way affects the legality of our having processed your personally identifiable information prior to the point at which you revoke your permission.
You have the right to revoke permission for the use of your personally identifiable information for direct advertising purposes at any time in writing. In such an instance, your personally identifiable information will no longer be used for direct advertising purposes.
Furthermore, you have the right to submit complaints to the competent oversight authorities (Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde, Wickenburggasse 8, 1080 Wien,
Sie erreichen uns unter folgenden Kontaktdaten:
Hotel am Reiterkogel
Familie Ripper Ges.m.b.H & Co KG
Reiterkogelweg 210, 5754 Saalbach Hinterglemm, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43 6541 63 47
Fax: +43 6541 63 47 44